Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The need for sustainability, clean water and pure, affordable, organic food production throughout Africa and the developing nations is crucial. This is important for the future leadership development in our children and the hope of Africa.

Our mandate is to reach out with a helping hand and see self sustaining villages, orphanages and children's homes built up. This is all done in order to help out in the crises of over 2.5 million orphans in the Sub Sahara alone. We believe touching one child at a time and giving a home to an orphan is an effective and affordable way to approach the issue of hopelessness in the lives of these children and many people around the world, especially across the continent of Africa.

Organics For Orphans has been formed and put together by a team of professionals in the health and organic farming industry along with NGO experts. Our NGO experts have the experience in building children's homes and looking after orphans in over 20 nations of the earth.

This specific project focuses on strategic placement of orphans into healthy families who farm and live off the land in rural areas. A very high percentage of Africans are involved in 1-2 acre farms. However most are using outdated and poverty producing chemical based farming methods as well as growing crops that have low market value; for example: maize (corn) is the staple for Kenya.

Many people groups have abandoned their love for farming and have been pushed into the slums of the city's.. Now, these people are the ones who make up a big part of those living on less than a dollar a day (extreme poverty) in Africa.

We want to help by seeing a great increase in income and farm sustainability for slum dwellers and farmers. It is said in truth that a farmers bank count is in his soil. As we work with farmers throughout the land, we are introducing higher value organic crops and more successful methods of farming. One such method is bio intensive organic farming, along with another natural methods giving multiple crops a year. All these are high yielding and the quality is far superior to chemical conventional and commercial farming. To those who chose to go this route we are suppliers of organic fertilizer and EM technology.

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